Refresh + Cleanse Green Juice
Who says juicing and juice cleanses are only for summer? I still do my monthly 1-day cleanse all through the winter months and keep warm with herbal teas in-between and a gorgeous bath at the end of the day. Here’s the Green Juice recipe from our 101 on Juice Cleansing eBook available with The Juicy Life Program.
150ml apple
75ml celery
75ml silver beet
50ml parsley
25ml lemon
Individually juice each ingredient to get the millilitre measurements just right (see Tips) and mix together just before you’re ready to enjoy your juice.
This Green Juice is one of the staple juices in a 1-day cleanse developed by chef/owner Liam O’Neil from Refresh Juice + Cleanse. For all 9 recipes included in a 1-day cleanse AND your juicy 10-15% discount off Refresh Juice + Cleanse juice cleanses, download our The 101 on Juice Cleansing eBook as part of The Juicy Life Program and The Juicy Circle.
When washing the silver beet, make sure to cut the stems into 5cm lengths, as they are stringy and might clog up your juicer.
Yes, the recipe uses millilitre quantities! This isn’t because we’re being pedantic but because every juicer and every piece of fruit or vegetable will produce different yields and we want to ensure you get the same result as Liam does at Refresh Juice + Cleanse. Stick to the ratios and you’ll have a chef-designed delicious and alkalising juice.