How to make the most out of travel and stay in your flow
Travel is an amazing thing. It’s one of my most important values and actually something I put on my vision board for 2018 – to make time to travel more and also explore my doorstep, as well as the great big world out there.
But, with travel, comes stepping outside of your comfort zone and that isn’t always easy, no matter where in the world you are. So, what this post is all about, is how to stay in your flow state while mixing it up and “going with the flow” on your adventures.
Let me start by telling you a little story to set the scene. Last month, I travelled to The Kimberley for three nights with my mum to stay at the beautiful El Questro Wilderness Park – incredible, by the way! As The Juicy Movement business is mostly online and I work for myself, internet connection is a pretty important thing for me. So, I went in with my eyes open about there being no phone signal (or very minimal) and no WIFI (unless you paid – and, I admit it, I tried it – but it didn’t really work, either!). Instead of freaking out, though. I tuned in with myself and reminded myself why I was going there in the first place: to connect with Mum and spend some really incredible days with her. Tuning in with that intention meant I stepped off the plane and absolutely embraced my MIA status. To be honest, I couldn’t wait for it. It was the perfect excuse to just tune in to where I was and who I was with.
That experience and how I embraced it got me thinking about my upcoming travels to Europe with my husband, Byron. It’ll be one month of sun, sea and yummy food, during which I intend to do what’s required to keep my business ticking over and not much else. Bliss, I know! But also really difficult to do at times! Work has a funny way of making itself feel urgent. Routines are difficult to miss. I combat any feelings of anxiety about that by knowing I’ll be mixing it up with my daily rituals, that I won’t be starting each day as I always do or giving it the same structure as I would at home. And that this is the point of travel. This is why I do it. To stretch and expand my horizons and learn from those experiences. To connect with the number one person in my life away from any distractions.
I wasn’t always like this, though. In fact, it was our six-week honeymoon (also in Europe) in mid-2016 that led me to put down some boundaries.
I regret many moments during that trip where getting caught up in work affairs meant I missed cherishing special moments. Waking up at 6am in our French chateau to work versus lying in for cuddles as the sun rose. Frantically sorting an issue by our hotel pool in Sorrento instead of just enjoying the sun and ocean view. I had to tune out of the fuzz that can sometimes overtake us and tune into the bigger picture. Now, I’m at a point where I don’t fear travel and being away. I realise I can easily and happily do both and the world doesn’t end!
Here are my tips on what I’ll be doing to stay well and get the most out of my time away, while still staying in my flow:
- Pack a good book (or two). One fiction and one for working my mindset.
- Take a picture of my mission statement and goals, so I can still look at and read it. I also plug my headphones into my phone or laptop to prime without anyone around me having to listen.
- While sightseeing will keep you on your feet, some days we might not do much so I always aim to get out for a jog (it’s a great way to sightsee too!) and pack my resistance band (or tube) so I can stay toned anytime, anywhere (hotel room, park, gym if it’s there). If there is a yoga studio nearby I try and grab a class too otherwise, I do my own thing.
- Stock up on healthy snacks and options. Find the local grocer and grab some fruit, nuts and seeds, yoghurt and anything else I can easily munch on between meals (or on flights). Plus, I ALWAYS carry a shaker and my plant-based macro nutrient shakes (sachets) with me for an easy on-hand option. It can make a great snack or brekky option too. All money savers!
- Wholefood loading with my juicy supplements (integral part of The Juicy Life Program). Non-negotiable as I have yet to fall sick on any trips be it work and/or pleasure no matter how busy the schedule, cold it gets, lack of sleep etc. It’s a must!
- Practice gratitude! Even on holiday, you can sometimes find yourself zoning out of the present and letting stress or other factors step in. When that happens, I tune back in, remember just how lucky I am to be doing what I’m doing, and remind myself that everyday life will soon return, so I best enjoy my holiday while it lasts!
- Tune into home and work life just enough to stay on top of urgent things and tune out of the rest, trusting that my team have got this – and I know they do!
- See, nice and simple!
Travel is all about getting out of your comfort zone, otherwise what’s the point? I LOVE experiencing new cuisines, cities, practices, adventures that I may not usually, if ever, do at home. It’s what gives me growth in such a beautiful way and teaches me more about myself (and my relationships) each time. That said, there is nothing wrong with knowing yourself well enough to recognise that you still need some grounding practices in there, to help you connect best with your inner voice and purpose and gain the most of every experience, with the best possible mindset.
Stay juicy,
C xx